Learn more about transformational coaching with Dr. Bethany and her horse Lew!
Zoom and in-person coaching is available.
Click the button below to schedule an Exploratory Call or Coaching Session.
Do you feel overwhelmed or stuck?
Are you worried about your long-term mental and physical health?
Do you suffer from insomnia? Have anxiety about debt? Worry about divorce?
Are you struggling with your business and employees?
Do you feel disappointed with life?
What you can expect to find through BraveHeart Gestalt Coaching…
The real answers to why you feel stuck and how to take action toward change.
How to break old patterns & experience life differently.
How horses can assist you in getting to the root of life issues and guide you toward resolution.
“I can honestly say that after 29 years in dentistry I have never worked with anyone like Dr. Bethany! The team retreat was simply amazing. She was able to bring out deep-seated emotions, clarity, vision, and goal work. It’s hard to describe the experience, but she is simply amazing!”
— Sandi Calleros, DDS, Calleros Dental, California
— Dr. Erin Pickwick, DDS, Georgia
“Today I realized that I am more in need of peace than I knew. I am thankful for the opportunity to work with & enjoy the horses. I was a skeptic at first and at the end of our session I am more in tune to my inner soul. I now know more of how to reach & see that inner spirit.
Thank you!”
— Crystal, RDH, Michigan
My program will Restore Your Spirit through Gestalt Methodology & Neuroscience
The road to lowering stress, releasing old baggage, and moving forward positively and with more energy involves healing your spirit (emotions and mindset) AND your body. The two are intimately connected, as 95% of all physical disease is a result of high emotional stress!
Using Gestalt Coaching methodology, I’ll guide you through a deep, experiential process where you will drop old unwanted baggage and habits, get un-stuck, and leave with new freedom, self-awareness, and a fresh perspective. I will guide you to finding your own answers to any challenge you’re facing in life. You will move forward more consciously and be able to respond to what’s happening around you rather than react out of habit or fear or exhaustion.
This process will also quiet the loud voice inside that constantly tells you “You’re not enough.”
At the end of your coaching session, after releasing old emotional baggage, it can take a while for your body to catch up. You will feel spent and ready for rest. This is when I will introduce you to NuCalm, the world’s only patented neuroscience technology that quickly and effectively puts the brakes on stress and adrenaline, and brings your brain and body into a state of relaxation, catalyzing the healing process.
Gestalt Coaching deals with the emotional aspect of restoration, and Nucalm becomes the optimization tool for your body to physically process your emotional energy shift.
Meaningful Change Happens from the Inside Out

Dr. Bethany Piziks, DDS, EGCMethod Certified Coach
I was a practicing dentist for over 20 years. I understand what is like to be a woman with many roles — dentist, practice owner, manager, mother, wife, friend — yet feel totally alone.
The most important thing I want you to realize right now is: YOU DON’T HAVE TO WALK THIS PATH ALONE!
It takes courage to be part of a profession where caring is critical and empathy for others is the focus. The profession of dentistry is not for the faint of heart. Too many of us struggle with anxiety, depression, strained relationships, leadership issues, and physical/emotional imbalances due to the extreme stress and responsibilities of the profession.
I am deeply committed to inspiring dentists who desire to achieve balance, peace, and prosperity within the challenges of working in a dental practice — or make peace with their decision to transition onto a different path away from dentistry. No matter where you are within your journey as a dentist, I offer you the opportunity to create a better present and future.
“Dr. Bethany impressed me – first as my coaching client, then through her enthusiastic participation in all our workshops, Applied Strategic Planning twice, our NSC inner circle of leaders – as someone with integrity, high self-awareness, foresight, great courage and as a leader with a genuine desire to help others. She built a top-tier dental practice in Cadillac, MI, transitioned to a group practice, and then heard a higher calling. She left that successful, comfortable existence to build on her own life experience combining her two loves – helping others achieve their highest potential, and horses. If you’re one who believes all significant change begins within, you’re going to love your time with Bethany!”
— Bob Frazer Jr, DDS, FACD, FICD
Learn more about transformational coaching with Dr. Bethany and her horse Lew!
Zoom and in-person coaching is available.
Click the button below to schedule an Exploratory Call or Coaching Session.
The Science Behind the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method
The EGCMethod® is scientifically proven to help people feel more hopeful about their future (96% of respondents agreed) and better about themselves (93% of respondents agreed). The study by the Xanthus Center, Jaclyn S. Manzione, M.S., EGCM Certified and Tom Manzione, Lead Analyst, Ph.D., LPC, Analyst, was conducted in 2017-2019 and included dentists who had particpated in coaching with Dr. Bethany in the study sample. Watch this short 7 minute video with Tom, Jaclyn and EGCMethod founder, Melisa Pearce, to hear about the preliminary results of a 2017 study which led to the larger study in which Dr. Bethany participated.